
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 85: Is that a wall? Or a Plateau?

I know I have been a stranger lately, I just haven't had much to report. I haven't lost anymore weight and I would love to say that it is because I am losing inches--but I doubt it. Since I went away last week to train for work, its been tough being on track. I have also resumed with my bad habit of eating out. Granted, I have NOT been eating bad stuff, and I make good choices when I go out. The fact is that, I really need to limit it to 1 time a week at most. The sodium and calories at a restaurant far exceeded food I can get at home.
So I probably haven't hit a plateau, but rather I am just not pushing hard enough. I am kind of disappointed in myself because my 4 week challenge is pretty much down the drain. I have about 2 weeks left (roughly) and I don't think I can lose 10lbs in that time and be healthy about it.
I haven't officially joined Curves, and if I have a moment today I am going to do it. I really enjoyed my free week and I am looking forward to pushing it harder.
One thing I have been doing is sucking in my gut while I work. Its not easy to do, especially while I am trying to troubleshoot phone issues. But I have tried it for 2 days now and let me tell you, my ab muscles (the ones hidden deep behind walls of fatty tissue) are aching! I feel like I have been doing crunches!!!

Well y'all---motivate me! (haha!)

-with much hope and a lot of prayer

*Sexy or Bust*


  1. Lizzy! Sign up for Curves today! Think about how proud you are of yourself every time you go to Curves and especially every time you leave! The gym has become my second home and there has never been a day I walk out of there thinking "well that was a waste of time."
    You got this girl! Keep it up! :)

  2. Dont give up now, get back into the swing of everything before it gets to be really hard. I know how hard it is to fall back into old habbits. Good luck!
