
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 104: In the Middle

I am stuck in the middle of 2 things I want.
1) to continue to lose weight and get in shape
2) to have baby #2 (and I mean like get preggo soon)

I know I still have time to have a baby, but I have baby fever! My husby is on board and my 3 year old is asking for a "brover baby" (baby brother.) And in a month I will be 28. Which is still young but closer to my 30s. I know that I cannot chose the gender of my future and unborn children...but if I were to wait a couple of years and end up with a girl...then I will have to try at least 1 more time for a boy. This would put me in my 30s (which again is not old) however I know the further you get in age, the hard conception can be. (or complications can arise).

On the other hand, I really do want to shed these pounds, and soon. I want to be able to be thin and healthy and feel good about myself. My weight loss hasn't been the best this past month or so as I have let a lot get in the way. I definitely need to get to the grocery store and get my healthy foods. I also need to hit Curves hard! My motivation has been lacking lately but at the same time I still yearn more than ever to be thin!

I explained to a few coworkers about why I couldn't eat Noodle & Co or Chipotle with them. I showed them my blog. I think they were blown away with my before pics. They said I was pretty now but I could tell my before pics surprised them. It really made me feel more motivated!

So readers, I realize the have a baby now/later debate is only one that I can decide...but what say you?

PS if no baby should I get a doggie?

-with much hope and a lot of prayer

*Sexy or Bust*

1 comment:

  1. Have the babby, you can always get skinny, but cant always have a baby!
