
Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 11: Que te mueve? What moves you?

Today was a great day. I got up early despite having to be at work at 12:45pm. I ate my Special K and cleaned up a bit. I worked out and I was able to do it for longer than the last workout. Plus I did 50 crunches afterwards. It wasn't easy but after I was done, I felt great.

Now, leave it to me to find a philosophical meaning to my workout. Today I was working out and struggling. I know it is going to be hard at first for various reasons (my weights, bad knees, new to working out, etc). But I am determined to push through. Right as I am feeling like I am on my last breath and that I can't go any further I hear inspiration. The instructor from my Zumba workout (from On Demand) said, "Que te mueve?" and then explained to viewers the meaning, "What moves you?" Now I would guess she meant it more literally, as in music/dance or something. But for me, at that moment, it was exactly what I needed to hear. What moves you?

What moves me? What is going to help me push through the hard workouts? What is going to help me keep going even when I feel like giving up? Determination. Drive. Focus. My daughter. My husband. Myself. I want to be able to do more than I can right now. I want to be able to do a 20 or 25 minute intense workout without feeling like my heart will stop. I want to be able to run and play with my daughter and not feel winded. I don't want to breathe like I was a smoker in a past life after walking up a flight of stairs. I desire to be healthy. I desire to be confident. I don't want to always feel like I need to suck in my gut and throw back my shoulders to appear thinner. I want to be thinner.

What moves me? The dream that one day my husband and I (and possibly the little one) can go to a tropical destination such as Puerto Rico and that I will confidently feel sexy in a two piece on the beach. Strolling down the sandy beaches, looking into the deep blue ocean, hand in hand and not worrying about my chub rub. (Please tell me if you need an explanation about chub rub).

What moves me? The feeling you get when you walk into your favorite store and there is a clearance sale going on...and you know they will have your size (let me tell you, us plussies buy up clearance so fast that my size is always gone LOL). Being able to shop in the Woman's and not the Misses or Plus section. (I don't even care to shop in juniors anymore!) I want to enjoy clothes shopping again and not just shoe and purse shopping.

Tonight, I am asking you--Que te mueve? What moves you?

-with much hope and a lot of prayer

*Sexy or Bust*


  1. Chub rub I know that one oh so well. With time and dedication we can loose the weight we want to loose. Me once im back in the hunderds and no longer in the two hundreds, im celebrating. Just a reward for my hard work and dedication.

  2. keep it up Lizzy I know you can d it ,love ya.

  3. GREAT post!!! You nailed it. It is so, so, so important that we look beyond "just being thin" as our motivation. It helps us to stay more motivated and be successful when we dig deep and find out what really does move us.
    I have NO doubt that you'll be shaking your culi in a bikini on the beach one day soon! ;)
