
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 9: Breakfast is important!

So this morning I was running short on time. I managed to gulp down a small bowl of Special K and grab my coffee to go. It was an ugly morning with ice cold rain coming down. I dropped the little one off at her daycare and made my way to work. Since it was yucky outside the first few hours of work were extremely slow. And since I am not officially working (just shadowing) things got a bit boring.

Instead of standing around doing nothing, I worked on some of the many online training assignments in the office. So I sat at a computer for a few hours this morning....Which brought me back to my old job. Which in turn made me want to snack. At my old job I constantly snacked to stay away and to make time go faster. I had a very hectic life and I don't remember a day I didn't feel exhausted at work. Now, life is not so hectic (Praise God!) but as they say, old habits die hard. I had the overwhelming urge to pop 3 quarters into the vending machine and buy some kind of cheesy covered substance....or sugar drenched flour product.... Instead I chomped a few pieces of gum, and it helped for a while. Then I realized that it wasn't just the fact that I was bored sitting at a desk that was making me crave snacks. It was the fact that I ate such a small breakfast. I normally add 2 slices of low calorie toast and some turkey or ham to give me an added calorie boost in the morning.

When I realized my hunger was real, and not a mind trick, I grabbed one of my chewy granola bars (3 points!) to tide me over until my lunch break. After that I was fine. Lunch was delish! I had the SmartOnes Artisan flatbread with steak. It is so freaking yummy! It doesn't even seem like I am dieting! I added a half of a can (1 serving=4 points) of broccoli potato soup plus a banana to complete my meal. The security guard from work walked in the break room and even commented how good my meal smelled! And he was right! The rest of the day went by pretty good, still slow but I no longer had snack cravings.

After I braved my first drive in Maryland snow, I made Chicken Tacos. We had purchased ground chicken (pretty lean I might add) and the Ortega Whole Grain Tacos. I have to admit that since I had extra points left from not eating all my breakfast, I over endulged. But luckily I stayed within my points allotment. Dinner was seriously delicious and it wasn't bad for me! I seriously could get used to this!

The moral of my story is that, even though I ate breakfast, I really need to make sure that I continually eat a solid meal in the morning. It fuels me for the rest of my day and it helps control my appetite. So, I will eat!

Tomorrow I work a mid-shift, which I haven't done in a long time. I hope that it doesn't throw me off track! Keep me in your thoughts!

-with much hope and a lot of prayer

*Sexy or Bust*


  1. Great snack I love is Fiber One bars, I think its 2 points (maybe 1) but full of fiber so if fills your up and they taste just like chewy granola bars, minus points and filling you up more!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good for you for eating when your body told you too. One thing we don't want to do is put our bodies in "starvation mode" all in the name of "dieting."
    I've found that drinking water sometimes does the trick for me. Our bodies can mistake hunger for actual thirst when we're dehydrated.
    You're doing great! I'm so proud!! :)

  4. Great job Lizzy, you are so right about breakfast being so important..I am so guilty for not eating breakfast and then by the time noon is here I am starvin and trying to eat the first thing insite. I admire your committment and hope that I myself can get on board one day. Praying for much success on your journey <3

  5. You are sooo right about breakfast! If I don't eat a filling one then I am really hungry for the rest of the day.
