
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 8: Small changes in order to make life changes

So today was my day off from work and it wasn't hard to stick to my diet. I actually ate less than normal. And any snacking was measured and points were tracked. I wish I could say on my day off I jumped out of bed and on to my Gazelle and knocked out 4 miles in 45 minutes...but I can't. I am not trying to lie about it either. I wish it was as easy as making up your mind to be healthy person. But its not. I have a life. And so do you. So, in my life, its not the easiest thing to all of a sudden eat right, exercise religiously, and continue to be a wife, mother, and work full time. But making small changes are definitely helping. And remembering why I want to do this is helping me overcome hurdles.

Two things I want to talk about today. The first hurdle I had to overcome today was sloth, aka laziness. I got up early to get Isabella ready for daycare (thank you to the Husby for taking her and for taking my car to the shop) and then I ate a small breakfast. About an hour later the Husby called and told me to pick him up so we could leave my car. So after I was finally back home I couldn't help but fall asleep. I guess the whole working on my feet for 8 hours got the better of me because when I awoke it was 1pm! Yikes! I quickly got up and made my lunch. Turns out the Target brand Homestyle Vegetable Soup is only 1 point per serving! So the whole can was only 2!! In order to spend some more points, I ate some reduced fat Ritz lightly shmeared with whipped cream cheese.

After I ate and checked FB, I found myself thinking about what type of exercise I wanted to do...that's right...thinking....and thinking....and before I knew it I had spent more time thinking and not enough time doing! Well I guess what I mean was that I could have exercised in the same time that I sat around thinking about it. Ugh! So I finally got off my tush and got dressed in workout gear. I flipped through the On Demand Exercise channel and found a few 10 minute workouts. (Hey, I am a big girl, I need to ease my way into this). So I did a 10 minutes Merengue workout and a 10 minute Zumba workout. Whew that was tough!!! Anyway, the point I was trying to make was that I overcame my laziness today and worked out. Its been a long time since I have done that and it was fun.

My 2nd hurdle that I overcame today.... I was in my bathroom putting on my contacts when I remembered that I needed to take my vitamins. I opened my medicine cabinet and out it fell. Temptation in a small Rx bottle. The contents were calling out my name..."take me. no one will no" and "you will see results faster" Some of you might be wondering what I am speaking of...What could a small Rx bottle hold that could tempt me so much? Well...this:

The Holy Diet Pill, Adipex. I am not proud to admit that I have used these several times as a way to kick start my weight loss or in an effort to lose weight quickly. Now, some of you may use these and love these...and I cannot blame you. The do wonders. They cut your appetite and make you thirsty. So you eat less, and drink more water etc. My problem? I use them as a crutch. I start using them, see results, and then start to eat however I want because I think the magic pills will do the trick.

Well, today that bottle fell from the medicine cabinet and I picked it up. I looked at it for a good minute before putting it back on its shelf. I wish I could say that I opened the bottle and flushed the contents down the toilet so that I would never be faced with the temptation again. But I didn't. I just put it back. And some of you may not see the significance in that since I didn't get rid of them. But for me, the fact that I said "no" to the taunting little pills is a big step for me. I hope to one day blog about some dramatic removal of the pills from my life. But I am not there yet....One day :)

So my 2 new successes for the day were exercise and will power. I am proud and I hope that with each baby step I take in this journey will just strengthen my new walk in life. Thank you to all my readers, again, for all the encouragement and tips. I love it all. It helps to know I am not alone!

One last thing before I sign off for the night. The Husby and I partnered in making dinner...I made Baked Lemon Pepper Flounder and he made a freshly steamed (on the stove top not microwave) mixed vegetables. It was delicious:

Until tomorrow! Share me with friends! Leave me some love!

-with much hope and a lot of prayer

*Sexy or Bust*


  1. Did you take the pics of the Adipex? If those aRe yours, they're expired!!! That may help in your future removal of them!!! Congrats on your blogging and weight watchers and steps you're taking to get healthy...keep it up!
