
Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 14: Need a pick me up?

There is one (of many) piece of advice my mom used to tell me as a teenager that will stick with me always. She used to tell me on the days I felt sick or not up to par, that I should choose that day to dress up a little. I took her advice and I was amazed to find that by merely dressing better, I felt better. Have you ever done this?

Well recently I have realized that it goes much further than just feeling better health-wise. Let me explain. For the past 5 months or so, I have been at home. In those 5 months, I started to kind of, shall we say, "let myself go." Dressing up became rare. I was doing good if I got out of my pajamas for the day. Sad, I know. I figured I didn't need to dirty my "good" clothes just to stay around the house. Well, not dressing up slowly bled into not even doing my hair. Hahaha, I laugh now, but at the same time I am ashamed. A newlywed that wears nothing but frumpy pjs and has crazy bed head. Geeez, what am I doing to my husband?

Aside from looking less than desirable (I am sure), I realized I also appeared bigger and less happy with my body. On Sundays, when we went to church, not only did I enjoy getting all dressed up but I also felt prettier and better about my body. But again, I just didn't see the need to dress up during the week if I was just going to be at home.

On my journey to a healthier me, I know I am going to start feeling better about my body and how clothes look on me. But, I have realized in the past 3 weeks that I am thoroughly enjoying dressing up in my business casual for work. I enjoy doing my hair & makeup, picking out my clothes, and just physically appearing presentable.

I realized that I needed a pick me up. I think we all do (men and women alike). If we are feeling down and out, or sick, or even just feeling a little something extra. Wear that skirt. Or that button up shirt (for men lol). High heels? Sure! Makeup? Why not! By taking some time and effort, we can move out of those moments of semi-depression and into a new mindset. Well, at least I know it works for me. Maybe it can for you too!

Let me know if you ever feel like that, and if you find that dressing up does help your mindset. Until tomorrow, everyone! Share me with your friends!

-with much hope and a lot of prayer

*Sexy or Bust*


  1. Changing into cute undies does it for me! I gave a speech on that in my public speaking class a few years back

  2. I have felt this way a lot... I used to have guys look at me and "holla" all the time when I would go out. Now I find I dont have as many things to get dressed into... I love cute clothes and shoes, all of it.. I feel as though my budget and time along with daily life sometimes prevents us from feeling who we really are. I know for myself I cant wait to buy some cute stuff and get my hair done. Just getting it cut the first time in B's word made my face more cheerful... it was really me who was more cheerful because I felt cute... I think you are gorgeous momma! I have never seen a bad picture of you... I have a couple of friends that I say I wish I could look that cute... you are one of them.. Keep rocking on.. I know you can do it!

  3. You know me... I'm all about some dressing up! :)

  4. Hey Lizzy - congrats on the new blog and your commitment to making a lifestyle change to a healthier you!
    I wanted to share with you a blog that I love to read: Bitch Cakes --
    Sheryl writes a weight loss blog, predominantly centered around Weight Watchers, but she has great suggestions and is overall pretty inspirational.
    I recently lost 20 pounds (32 pounds since my ever heaviest), so I do have some knowledge about this weight loss game - yell if you ever want to hear my ramblings! :)
    Best of luck to you!

  5. LOL I like for my undies to be cute and match. That makes me feel good even though no one is going to see them! lol
