
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day Two: My Goals & Expectations

Its always a good idea to have a set of goals or accomplishments in anything you set out to do right? So, I guess that is where I will begin today's blog. I have an ultimate goal and I have several mini-goals that I hope to reach in between. My main goal? To be about a size 10. If you read Day 1, you will remember that although size 10 was not my smallest size, it was definitely the size I felt the most sexy and comfortable in. I enjoy having curves. I am Puerto Rican & Proud. At a size 10 I am a Pepsi bottle or hour glass shape. So that is my ultimate goal. I want a flat[ter] stomach, but I want my hips, butt, and breasts (just proportionately smaller of course.)
Okay, ultimate goal: Check. Now, mini goals... 1) I want to start an exercise routine that I won't quit. 2) I want to start eating proportionately (I love foooood, but I need to start eating the right amounts!) 3) Let's see... I need to start incorporating more water intake. Sometimes a day will go by and I've barely had a sip. 4) And lastly I want to continue to Blog along the way.
How am I going to reach these goals? Well, as far as exercise goes, I have plenty of tools to my advantage (that I have sadly let sit and collect dust for far too long). I have a set of Zumba DVDs. I have owned a Gazelle since December of 2006! (For a while I thought it was an extra shelf for clothes....) We have On Demand, which gives me endless supply of workouts. AND if I remember correctly, there is a fitness center courtesy of my apartment place that I have at my disposal. I know, I know....if I already had these tools, why am I not using them? One word: Lazy. Part (a big part) of the reason I have not been successful is that I have a tendency to be lazy or try to take the "easy" way out. I need to focus on the fact that if I want to lose weight, and be healthy, AND keep it off then I need to stop being lazy. I need to get my more than ample booty (or bootay) off the couch and in motion.
Food. My best friend and my worst enemy. I love food. I love cooking and baking and eating....*sigh* And I know, because I have been down this road quite a few times, that cooking and baking and eating does NOT have to be about fat and sugar and other unhealthy components... There are just a few things that I am going to need to overcome. I will have to take on a different mindset. You might be wondering what I mean. Well, let me explain. I am a picky vegetable eater. Vegetables I like: Broccoli, Asparagus, Corn (is it a veg?), Raw Celery, Squash, Zucchini, and Eggplant. (And of course staples like onions and peppers). Vegetables I don't really care for: Everything else. LOL....Okay okay I forgot lettuce. I do like lettuce. So finding side dishes that are healthy will be a tough task for me. If you are reading this and have some recipes or ideas PLEASE LET ME KNOW! I will take any advice I can get. I also need to focus on remembering that portion size is so very important. I am used to eating huge man-sized plates. And most times getting seconds. As I write that I am ashamed. But it is my reality. And this is my mission to make a new reality.
Next mini goal will probably be my one of the easiest. (Unless I just jinxed myself). Water. H20. Agua. Hydration. In the past, once I struggle through the first week of drinking lots and lots of water, I usually end up craving it. So I know that this is feasible. And I know I can do added things to flavor the water but I probably should limit that to once a day. Or else I will only want sweetened drinks. I can live without sodas, and for the most part I can live without sweet tea. So again, I am hoping this goal is an easy one.
Okay next comes what I am already doing. Blogging! My cousin RBL and I both read an article on Yahoo! that stated people who blog while trying to lose weight have a higher success rate. So here goes. I hope I have readers out there. And I hope I haven't bored you to tears yet. I have no idea how this blog will pan out. All I know is that its worth a shot. I hope that I find this process to be encouraging and in a sense, an emotional cleansing process. There are a lot of feelings and emotions behind being fat. Some that I have voiced to close friends, and some that even my husband probably hasn't heard. (And if he is reading this, he will).
Okay the 2nd part of today's post is supposed to be my expectations. Well. Honestly, I expect this to be difficult. It is said that nothing worth it, is ever easy. So I would be a fool to think this would be any different. I mean sure, the mini goals aren't rocket science. But I will have to make conscience efforts to overcome laziness and procrastination. I will have to retrain my way of thinking. I expect to cry...a lot. (I am naturally an emotional wreck) I expect there to be days where I want to quit. But I also expect myself to get over it. If I want to be happy and healthy then I need to put all these obstacles behind me.
So that is all for now. Tomorrow I want to talk about what kind of exercise regimen I am going to do, and what type of eating plans (not diet!) I am going to attempt. I hope you enjoyed today's post. Share it with your friends or leave a comment if you can.

With much hope and a lot of prayer,

*Sexy or Bust*


  1. I have all the faith that you will succeed this time because you're aware of what works and what doesn't. One piece of advice I can give is to not cook the Puerto Rican way where we have leftovers for days. Cook only the amount you'll need for the moment. Also, if you have any roadblocks don't give up on yourself, you've overcome other obstacles in your life and you can do it again. I'm proud of you! Love you.

  2. Wow. I have to say, I'm INSPIRED!! Maybe this is something I need to think about doing. The sentence you wrote saying "there are feelings hidden behind the fat" hit home like a tons of bricks. You're exactly right. Thank you, Lizzy! I intend to follow your journey and possibly join you from my home! :) Good Luck!!

  3. Lizzy, I think this is an awesome idea! You are such a talented writer and you are using that to help obtain your goal! I know that you can do anything you set your mind too!
    A food that helps me out every single day is PEANUTBUTTER and PEANUTS! Its full of protein. Grab a spoon of it and eat it plain or on crackers. Let it set for at least 30 mins. Then all of a sudden you are not as hungry as you thought. It definitely takes the edge off in between meals! Also protein bars have helped me.
