
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day Five: The Attack of the Grocery Store

Okay, so I just got back from the store and I have a killer headache!!! Originally I planned on going to the store myself and I had been procrastinating all day. I knew that once I bought all the healthy foods that I had no choice. My mind was playing tricks on me! I knew that I wanted to officially start my WW plan but since I hadn't been home in 2 weeks and no groceries had been bought, I was able to put it off for a little longer. Then my loving Husby told me that he and Bella could come with me. That made it better, because I didn't want to go alone. So I finish up my list, hoping I remembered the majority of what I need and hoping that I don't have to spend too much. (We ran out of printer ink--which was on my list--so I had only 2 coupons).

So off we go! We stopped and grabbed a bite to eat since there was no food at home and since its better to go food shopping on a full stomach and not an empty one. After we ate, we headed to Target. We love doing our groceries there--the only problem is they do not have the best produce section. About 5 minutes after we walked in the store, Bella announces loudly that she needs to go pee-pee. My husby gets her out the cart and as he does I can see that she ALREADY WENT PEE-PEE!!! So many emotions went through my mind. First off, I have been out of the swing of things for 2 weeks. What does that mean? It means that Mommy (Me) walked out of the house without a change of clothes for Bella. Now, she is 3 and she is potty trained but I normally bring a set just in case. So of course I am mad at myself for not bringing any extra clothes. I am frustrated because I am not sure what to do. Its freezing outside and we just got to the store. I don't want our daughter to be stuck in wet clothes, but what do I do? Bella is crying because she knows that she shouldn't have done that. And I feel bad because she is crying in the store.

Now, a few weeks ago I would have said "Forget it" and went home. It would have been easy to put off grocery shopping (and my diet) for another few days. But did I do that? No! I gave the shopping list to the Husby and told him I would meet up with him in a few minutes. I grabbed my purse and my daughter and walked off. I headed towards "Toddler". I figured I could probably find a pair of $5 3T sweat pants and it would have to do. As Bella and I walk up to the Toddler section, my frustration grows even more! All I see are spring clothes and Easter dresses and BATHING SUITS. It is freaking 18 degrees outside and I need a pair of pants for my wet child! Finally after taking a deep breath, I see a magical sign that says "Clearance". I walk over and immediately some weight is lifted off my shoulders. I find a really good pair of 3T jeans for $6. Not my original choice but definitely worth the purchase. I grab them, and Bella and run towards customer service. We make our purchase and go to the Family bathroom. A few minutes later, my once crying and wet toddler and I emerge ready to take on the world. Okay okay, maybe just ready to take on Target.

So, we meet back up with the Husby. One hour later and lots more money than I had hoped to spend, our groceries are done. I got 5 SmartOnes for the days I work, plenty of Chicken and Fish to cook for our sensible meals, and some good breakfast choices. We picked up some 100-calorie popcorn and some frozen fruit too (for my healthy smoothie snacks!). We didn't buy anything unhealthy! I am about to plan my menu for tomorrow, so I can be accurate with my points. I am excited, and nervous! But mostly nervous, haha. Hey just being honest. But I am actually proud of myself for not taking the easy route and skipping the shopping trip.

And let me tell you, being overweight, walking up the steps to our apartment with groceries, a passed out 3 year old, AND freezing cold temperatures is NO joke. That just solidified in my mind how much more I need/have/want to do this. I have got to get in shape!!!

Tomorrow I will let you all know how my 1st day at work and my 1st day on WW goes. Keep me in your thoughts, because I will need it! If you enjoyed my trip to Target, or if you have ever been in that situation before let me know! And share me with your friends. Thank you to all my readers. All the words of encouragement have really helped me continue this journey.

-with much hope and a lot of prayer

*Sexy or Bust*


  1. Cole hasnt pee pee'd himself yet, of course we've dealt with a leaky diaper a time or two...but I can make you smile with an incident we had at Walmart. When Cole was about a year old, we went to Walmart for a few things and ended up being there forever. As we're finally checking out, Cole gets this look on his face I couldnt describe. He had on shorts and a t shirt as it was the beginning of August, mind you. Just a few seconds later, he lifts his leg out of the buggy, and poos. EVERYWHERE. It was the most embarrassing thing I've experienced. I'm sorry if its graphic, I dont mean to gross anyone out. I was funny after the fact though. To make it better, the old (like 80 years old) lady in front of us says, "Excuse me, your son just threw up everywhere and I think he has a bellyache." Duh to the bellyache, but no to the throwing up, lady! LOL! We couldnt get out of there fast enough. We had to wait on the "clean up at the checkout" announcement and everything. Gotta love parenthood! Good luck tomorrow...You seem to have your mind made up!! You'll do just fine!

  2. I had something like that happened to me. but with Melissa she was car sick and we were headed to the doctors appointment and i had to stop and go in to a store and get her a whole new outfit ,it was stressful didn't know if we make the appt on time.but we did , i'm so glad you didn't give up and kept going ,that means you really want to do this and i'm glad ,you should be proud ,so keep it up and i wish the best tomorrow in your first day .love ya .Lillian.

  3. Excellent idea by not buy anything unhealthy! It's hard to eat unhealthy when there isn't anything in the house to eat that is!No temptation! Smart choice!
