
Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 18: Ooops!

Today was a weird day. I had to be at work for a meeting at 7:45am. It lasted about 45 minutes and instead of going home and sleeping for a little longer, I went to Target. I ordered a skinny vanilla latte (my 1st!) and I thoroughly enjoyed it! I perused the store slowly and checked out lots of clearance (wahoo). Then my stomach growled! Ooops! I realized it was almost 10am and I had not had breakfast, merely the coffee that was in my hand.

I made my purchases and drove home. I must have been half asleep because instead of eating, I started to exercise. Then I jumped in the shower and got ready for work. Ooops! It was then 12:20 and I had to be at work at 12:45---I still hadn't eaten. So on my way to work I stopped at Chickfila and got a Chargrilled Wrap---normally I would have done the salad but since 1)I was running late I couldn't eat a salad while driving and B) I didn't use any points for breakfast so I knew I needed the extra umph.

Work was long and tiring. It felt like I had been there, well it felt like I had been there since 7:45!!! Finally around 7pm I managed to get away for my "lunch" break. I opened my bag and saw that silly me, I forgot my soup. Oooops! So all I had was my SmartOnes and my 100 calorie pack cookies. "Le Sigh".

I didn't track my points yet, but I am sure I didn't meet my requirements....Ooops! But I am tired and have to be back at 8:45am tomorrow....So I am going to bed! Night!

PS Moral of the story, don't forget to eat! And early morning meetings are horrid.

-with much hope and a lot of prayer

*Sexy or Bust*

1 comment:

  1. The chargrilled sandwich is good also, and not many points that includes the honey mustard they put on it. Much luck for tomorrow to get all your points in.
