
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 41: No hesitation

I have been working my butt off these past few days, so my blogging has been scarce. I wish I was really working my butt off...LOL. Slowly but surely. I am proud to report that after working about 29 hours in 3 days (including a 12 hours shift yesterday), my feet do not throb and hurt like they have been. I think its a combination of my old lady shoes and the ibuprofen I have been taking in the mornings before work. Either way, it makes things a lot more bearable.

I think I have begun to become more confident. Maybe it has to do with the compliments I received from when I went home about noticeable weight loss or maybe its just that since I am eating better I am feeling better about myself. I know I have a ways to go but I am glad that clothes are fitting better and I am seeing my face slim down. (Thankfully!!!)

I was assisting a customer yesterday (a dude) and all of a sudden he started talking in a deep voice. Trying to be like Barry White or someone. I laughed, because well, I don't have a good filter when it comes to laughing...and it was pretty funny. I thought he was just being funny, maybe in a good mood even though his phone was messed up...? I dunno. But, it honestly didn't cross my mind that he was trying to hit on me until he said (in his Barry White voice) , "Uh, Liz, I am trying to kick it to you and uh you are not replying." Again I laughed. I told him I was a happily married lady (while flashing my rock heehee). It was funny, at least I think so...

Today on my lunch break, the security guard asked me if I was enjoying married life. I told him I was. He asked me if I would do it all over again if I could. I said "I sure would!" The guard nodded his head and continued to tell me that he likes to ask married people that question, to kind of get a poll...(which I thought was weird). He told me that I was the only person he's asked that ever replied with no hesitation. That most people he ask, pause and think about it. That is really sad....but I digress (I know it has nothing to do with weight loss but I had to share it.

So, we are hoping to come home to SC for Easter. That is a little less than 2 months away. I am going to step things into high gear and try to lose some serious el-bees. (lbs). I am not going to go crazy restrictive or anything. I am just gonna calculate EVERYTHING, drink more H20, and exercise a lot more. In 4 weeks I lost 13lbs, so I hope to lose about 15 more in the next 2 months. I am not going to kill myself if I don't, but it is something to strive for. I have a cute dress I never got to wear last summer, and I would love to be able to fit into it for the Easter.

Here we go!

-with much hope and a lot of prayer

*Sexy or Bust*


  1. Yay! You're doing so good and I think it's awesome that you're able to juggle it all. Keep up the good work!

  2. Yay! I told you that you still have it ya' hot girl! I woulda laughed too if someone talked to me in Barry White voice hahahaha. You're doing great, keep up the good work! :D
