
Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 32: Ramblings

A few things crossed my mind today as I worked. (And yes, I do mean things other than how much my feet hurt!) The first thing that came to mind was that a lot of the ladies at work were wearing dresses today. And a few had on tall boots. That got me thinking of my tall boots and how I have big calves. I have pretty much always had big calves. But I started wondering if there is any exercise to trim calves down? Wait, don't say it...running, right? Yea I figured....

The 2nd thing that crossed my mind was that I can't wait to wear dresses without looking pregnant. I mean obviously I am not pregnant (sorry to those who are waiting for that moment...) But when I wear dresses I feel like my stomach protrudes more than in pants. Thus giving the with child illusion... It happens when I wear pants too, but I am able to hide it more. As I got ready for work today I looked in the mirror. And from the front view, I am happy. I have curves, I have a waist, I have boobs. Then, I turn sideways. Ewww. I blame part of that on the fact that my child was breech my entire pregnancy and that her head was on the right side of my belly button. I feel like its extra stretched out there... The rest, of course is my fault (the eating wrong and not exercising). One day I will love my front and side view!

Lastly, today I thought about how I hate those darn Girl Scouts and their deliciously delightful cookies. My 2 favorites are the thin mints and the lemonades. And of course, this is GSC season :( I saw 4 boxes of the thin mints sitting on a managers desk at work. I started drooling. I love those darn things...but I know that I can't buy any. Because I just don't trust my self control yet. They are a definite weakness. I also read on a facebook page that it takes a heck of a lot of work to burn off the calories consumed by eating just a few of the cookies...Yikes!

Well, thos are my ramblings for the day. As far as food goes, I have been doing pretty good. I made more of my vegetarian black bean soup and it was even better this time! MMMMMMM.
I hope everyone is enjoying the weather and that you all have a wonderful Saturday. I will be at work tomorrow *Le sigh*. Until tomorrow!

PS my husby just whistled at me as he walked by (confidence booster!) and he said my face is thinning out. Wahooooo!

-with much hope and a lot of prayer

*Sexy or Bust*

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