
Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 21: Silver lining

Well, I guess we all need a depressed day from time to time. Yesterday was mine. Today, I feel somewhat better. I wasn't feeling too hot this morning but as promised I weighed myself (since I didn't yesterday). To my surprise, I am down an additional 2lbs. Which brings my weight loss for the past 2 weeks to 10.2lbs. I am pretty psyched about that! I hope I can lose 2lbs a week. If I am honest I wish I could lose 3lbs a week but I know the healthy way is 1-2lbs a week.

Also, today before work I went to Ross. I forgot how much I love Ross. (For those of you who know me really well, you may be shocked to read Forget Ross?) I managed to find 2 pair of black pants that fit and costs me a total of $15. That is right...TOTAL. One was $9.99 and the other was $5. (Clearance!) So I am pretty ecstatic! One pair was pretty plain Jane but the other was actually stylish!

Another bright part to my day...I put on a pair of gray dress pants that I haven't worn since August...and they fit! Yay! I guess I just need to be a little more patient and slowly but surely I will start seeing the results I want to see.

Someone suggested that I do Zumba (in a class setting) and I think I will look into it. It will definitely get me moving and I can meet people. I think I will make it my reward to myself for reaching my 1st 10% goal. That is something to strive for and look forward to doing.

Thank you to all my readers for the encouraging words. They mean a lot, and it is so good to know I have people who have my back! Hope you all have a wonderful night.

-with much hope and a lot of prayer

*Sexy or Bust*


  1. Lizzy ~ you will LOVE zumba! It's my favorite way to exercise. As former dancers, it really feels like being in dance class and you forget you're working out. And, you can burn around 600-700 calories in an hour! Classes are great, but you can also get their DVDs and do it at home. As soon as my back is healed, I will be straight back into zumba class!

  2. 1-2 pounds a week may not sound like much but look at it this way 52 + pounds in a year! It will all come, but you are right we all deserve our down days, its life. I highly suggest Zumba! I love it! I cant dance but I use to do it all the time and it became my fav.

  3. Zumba is totally a blast. As social as you are you will love the class environment! Keep at it. I have lost 9 lbs so far and I am very happy with that.

  4. I love, love, love zumba. And I hate, hate, hate working out. So that should tell ya' how great it is! LOL :P
