
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 29: Emotional

I wonder about only people who struggle with their weight, find themselves in tears when they watch weight loss stories? I was watching The Biggest Loser, and I find myself in tears every single week. I know it is because of my own struggle with my weight. But I wonder if thin people, who have never really deal with losing more than 10lbs or so, find it as heart wrenching?

I literally sob. When the contestant overcomes a challenge or loses a big number on the scales, and they cry--I cry. In the past 2 episodes, a few of the girls have made it down to what they call "One-derland". Let me tell you, I cannot wait until I can join the One-derland Club. They call it that, because their weight loss has put them under 200lbs on the scales. Now, I know I have not said my exact weight on my blog. And that is for a reason. Its embarrassing. And while I am brave enough to tell you my size, I just can't face those numbers. I will say that I have not been under 200lbs since before I was pregnant with my daughter (who is now 3). I got close in 2009 when I was on JC. I got down to 207lbs.

What is crazy to me is that I can drop a lot of pounds and still only move down one size, at the most 2. So, that is another reason I am not going to divulge my weight until later. It will make more of a difference when my size goes down a lot. I am not even sure if this paragraph makes sense.

All in all, it is going to be an emotional day when I can post on here that I have made it to One-derland. Hoping by the summer, mainly by my anniversary in August, that I can successfully say I am in One-derland.

Thanks for listening! Share me!

-with much hope and a lot of prayer

*Sexy or Bust*


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You can do it Lizzy! I totally feel the same way you do when I watch the biggest loser, and I totally get the issue you have with the losing a lot of weight and not sizes.

    I have the opposite effect. I have lost a lot of sizes and inches but no weight at all. I know it's a good thing but my mind also wants to see the # drop. I'm constantly told that muscle weighs more than fat (yes I know this but it still doesn't ease my mind).

    We will both reach our goals. Hard work and strength is what it's gonna take. Good luck on your journey!

