
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 20: Tough times

Today started out kind of rocky for me. I am battling a bit of depression I guess. First off, I really haven't seen a weight loss this week. Of course, I know I haven't stuck to my diet and exercise as much as I did last week. Good thing is that I didn't gain. I am still trying to re-train my brain and become more patient. In the past, with JC and with the pills, weight came off fast and easy. (Of course it came back fast and easy too). I am not used to waiting for it, but I know in the long run that is how it needs to be in order for me to keep it off. But regardless, I am still a bit depressed. I really want to see the results. I know last week I lost 8lbs but I am ready to see some inches melt off. I want my pants to feel looser and my face to get thinner.

I have been at this blog for almost 3 weeks. And WW for 2 weeks. I know that is not very long. I know I have to be patient but it is hard. Anyone who has tried to lose weight, knows this feeling all too well. I also need a couple of pairs of pants for work. And 1) I don't like trying on clothes in hopes they fit, and then they don't and B) I don't like buying my current size because in my mind I know that soon I will be smaller. So that kind of depressed me. I tried to find some last night with no success. The only ones that were on sale looked like something my grandmother would wear. And the few cute ones (and by cute I merely mean regular un-granny like) that came in my size were not on sale. I swear, after a size 12, we plussies start paying a fat tax. I only buy things on sale or with a coupon. And the ones in my size that were not frumpy were too expensive to have for only a short amount of time.

Back to the fat tax. I mean, they charge us extra for the bigger sizes. Okay I get it, more fabric? Fine. I will pay the dang fat tax. But puhlease give me something fashion worthy. I do not need all my garments to have Hawaiian flowers or leaves on them. I do not need dress pants that have a drawstring like a Hefty Hefty Sinch Sac. Can my shirts have a little definition and the fabric be a bit more sturdy. I need to hold in these rolls not place a sheer fabric over it. Just more things to depress me. But I digress....

I also realized today how much I miss home. I miss my friends like crazy. I miss my girl talks and hanging out, having movie nights, etc. I really miss it. I love my little family here in MD, don't get me wrong. And working has been great, but I work with mainly guys. I just can't get that same comradery with them as my girls back home. Anyways, I know that has nothing to do with weightloss but its been weighing heavy on me today. I would appreciate any prayers!

-with much hope and a lot of prayer

*Sexy or Bust*


  1. I will gladly pray for you. I'm so happy for you already with your weight loss, you've just got to have patience. Also, you're doing it the more healthy way, so it wont come off as fast...and the bright side? It wont COME BACK as fast either!! I understand how you feel about 'fat tax'. It urks me, too. What I wouldnt give to not feel like I'm looking at clothes for my grandma when I shop too. Have you tried thrift shopping? You wouldnt pay full price for clothing you're only going to wear a short time. Just an idea. :) I hope you have a better day tomorrow. Prayers are going up for you!

  2. I literally made a frowny face I as I read this post. :( Change can be really hard and you have A LOT right now. It is totally fine to cry and be upset about it, and being far away from familiarity can be super tough sometimes. Even though I've moved just about every three years of my life it is still hard and there are days I just miss my sisters so much I cry. But just know that everyone is just a flight or a drive away. :) And this is a GREAT time for you and Justin to really start your family. My other suggestion don't delay, get involved, church is usually where Justin and I find all our friends. But other great places could be special interest classes, dance, yoga, whatever. Thanks for writing this blog!

  3. Lizzy, if you are still the girl I remember from back in the day . . . you were built for Zumba. I would look around and see if you can find some Zumba classes around. They are tons of fun and most of the people are really outgoing. That way, you can find friends AND build a network of fitness buddies locally (this always helps on the weightloss journey). I know money may be tight (as it is for all of us), but this little indulgence could totally be worth it.
