
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 44: Only me.

I watched last night's Biggest Loser this morning as I got ready for work. (of course I cried, do I even need to say it?) Well, one of the contestants said something that really struck a chord with me. What everything boils down to in my journey to lose weight and become healthier, is me. That's right. Me. If I want to lose weight, only I can make myself do it. No one else is going to force me to work out or eat right. No one else is with me 24/7. It is my choice. My decision.

When I started thinking about this today, I also realized something really important.  I think for the longest time I played the blame game. I was a victim in my mind and I felt I had every right to be. What's funny is that I used to never be that way. I always prided myself in the fact that I never let my circumstances affect other parts of my life (like school, church, etc). I told myself I wouldn't let the fact that I grew up in a household that had very little money (among other things), affect who I became. I didn't let myself drink before I was 21. I got straight As in high school. I went to a great college. I never did drugs. I was a virgin on my wedding night. (Sorry if that is TMI). But I prided myself in the fact that I rose above certain situations.  

But somewhere along the way, I lost my way. As I gained weight I started to blame it on many things:
  • growing up poor made me want to go out to eat all the time because I used to not be able to.
  • my parents got divorced while I was a freshman in college
  • the freshman 15
  • my fiance (at the time) joined the Air Force and food comforted me
  • my marriage was falling apart
  • I was 22 and divorced
  • I got pregnant
  • I was a single mom
  • I was happy and in love 
  • my birth control was putting on the pounds
  • and I could go on and on...
I think I started to use these excuses as a disguise. I felt like if I had a reason to why I weighed so much, then people would understand. They would know that the person they saw on the outside wasn't who I was on the inside. I could recite these reasons flawlessly and anytime I did, I felt better even only for a moment. 

Now I realize that during all those things, nobody forced me to eat (and not exercise). I could have found a different outlet for my emotions. I had total control, yet I never grasped it. Well, no more. I am realizing more and more each day that its Only Me. Only I can get up in the morning and chose what I do. No one else is driving me to Dunkin Donuts or Chick-fil-a. I am. No one else is snacking when I am not hungry. Or making excuses to why I can't exercise. Only Me! And only I can chose to break bad habits and form new ones. Like eating right, and blogging. And putting my emotions into a separate outlet, one that doesn't include calories!

Thanks for listening! 

-with much hope and a lot of prayer

*Sexy or Bust*


  1. Wow, this is a great post & really true for all of us about everything in our lives. I am proud of you - I KNOW how hard it is to loose weight - i have struggled all my life. Ty for sharing with us & encouraging us all. Keep up your good work

  2. Lizzy i'm so glad that you being s truthful with your blogs ,all you say is so true ,I My self felt the same at times and also try to find excuses ,you right we have our selves to blame ,Love you keep it up you doing great and your blogs are so great and true ,and so interesting ,love them .have a great day .

  3. Well said! I think it's a pretty empowering feeling when we realize WE can control who we want to be. You're story is inspiring, Lizzy! Thank you for sharing with us.
