
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 69: Stronger

'Cause it makes me that much stronger
Makes me work a little bit harder
It makes me that much wiser
So thanks for making me a fighter
Made me learn a little bit faster
Made my skin a little bit thicker
Makes me that much smarter
So thanks for making me a fighter

-Christina Aguilera

After yesterday, I was feeling a bit down. I almost let myself make today a diet free day and just binge. Thankfully I did not. Through out the day I kept reminding myself why I am doing this. It is not to impress 50 year old strangers that come into a store. I am doing this for me. For my family. For my health. And I am going to continue to do it for those reasons. And on top of it all, I am going to use things like last night, to fuel my fire.

I am going to make myself stronger. Physically and mentally. I am starting Curves tomorrow. And I will continue my WW journey. And if by chance people who see me now and think I am fat and/or pregnant, see me later--I hope their jaws drop. Tee hee hee.

I want to thank everyone for their comments last night (and today!) It means a lot too me! It definitely keeps me going. And although my long term goal is to lose an additional 75lbs or so, I am going to continue to do things the healthy and correct way. And not a "quick fix" like before.

Also, I am excited to see a few others joining me in my 4 week challenge!

-with much hope and a lot of prayer

*Sexy or Bust*


  1. YAY!!!!!!!!!
    You can do it! Don't let stupid old coots keep you down. :P

  2. Great to see you fighting back!!!
