
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 68: When are you due?

Ouch. Those are the words spoken to me by a stranger today. And they hurt. I am sure the man didn't mean to be rude but I was floored. I didn't even realize he was talking to me. I mean because I am NOT pregnant. Just fat. It took a minute to register that he was looking at me after asking that question. I said, "Who me?!?" And the idiot still didn't realize by the shocked look on my face that I was not with child. I said, "Oh I am not pregnant. I am just trying to lose weight." He then tried to back track but it was too late. The damage was done.

There were so many things I could have said, and didn't. I wish I would have been so quick to say, "Oh, October....2007." Or even lie and say I was due with triplets in September. But I am not that quick with my wit. And the truth is, all I wanted to do was turn around, walk away, and cry. If the guy would have been the only one standing there, it would not have been as bad. But another coworker was there--it was actually his customer not mine. I was 5 minutes away from leaving for the day. I was mortified.

After I finally got out of there, I called my husband (who had tried calling me a few minutes before the incident.) A few minutes into the conversation I told him what happened and of course he was comforting. But after getting off the phone I cried the whole drive home. I hate myself for feeling so upset about it. But I am. It feels like you take 1 step forward, and 2 back. I currently have ZERO appetite, but at the same time all I want to do is eat a bowl of ice cream and some greasy pizza. I want to curl up in a ball, under a blanket, and not see anyone for a few days.

So, let me ask you--what do you do when someone points out your flaw? Your weak spot? Or if you were me, what would you have done?

*Le Sigh*

-with much hope and  A LOT of prayer

*Sexy or Bust*


  1. ....been there. :-(
    And, I didnt handle it well either. We just have to keep on KEEPIN on! :-)

    And think about how pretty your Easter pics will be! Stay on track!

  2. Ely Morales RiveraMarch 26, 2011 at 9:29 PM

    If a situation like that happens again you tell the person that two things you never ask a woman are her age and when she's due. I had someone ask me that when Max was less than a year old and I told the lady I wasn't pregnant but fat and she turned out to be more embarrassed than me. Don't let that stupid remark deter you but use it to encourage you to keep doing as good as you have been doing.

  3. Keep up your good work girlie! Ask Angie this happened to me 2 years ago during Medicare season by a client. He asked, how old is your baby. I said she's like 3 now. He said no, last time I saw you, you were pregnant. I said no, he said yeah, you were bigger and ready to go. His wife was mortified and I was getting tired of telling him, no I had just lost 25 pounds and was fat the year before. LOL Just use it as motivation. Chances are, that client will come back to your store in a few months or year and you'll look even more amazing!! :)

  4. yes Lizzy like your mom said use it to encourage you, to keep up the good work and you are due soon you will be on your due day of when you lost the weight you been working for so its like you do have a due date .Hope you feel better mama ,people sometimes don't think before they speak .so sorry you hurt ,but i can see your loosing i see it in your pictures keep it up ,Love you .titi Lila .

  5. About a year ago, I was at the drug store buying tampons and cough drops and the guy asked me if it was okay for me to use the cough drops, being pregnant. When I indignantly informed him that I was not pregnant, he replied, "Oh. Did you recently have a baby?" Really!?! I was just wearing a flowy shirt (that I have never worn again). Totally ruined my day. I informed him that you NEVER ask a woman that question.

  6. I'd have cried too. Men just don't think before they speak. I'm sorry it hurt you so much, but at least he thought there was a reason behing it rather than just thinking that you were just fat (I try to find the positive in every situation). Just keep going. The picture you keep posting show a real difference so don't let this bring you down. Chin up, shoulders back and smile :)

  7. Ive that happen, but women have asked me before, and yes its happend more then one time! Its a horibale feeling. Maybe it will have a postive outcome and make you want to work even harder. There is no way I even think you look like you are pregnant!
