
Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 63: These are my Confessions

No, no, no. Not the same kinda confessions that U-S-H-E-R-R-A-Y-M-O-N-D had, but rather some WW/point counting confessions. This past week has been hectic. Work nonstop, 6 days straight, thru the weekend. I have been so exhausted these past few days that I have not counted like I should have. I have a basic idea of what constitutes my points on a day to day basis when I eat my standard plan. But this week I have strayed. I have been to tired to cook and barely awake enough to eat on some days. I have eaten a lot of Panera...and some other takeout. I have tried to pick the better options...We did Taco Bell and I tried the el fresco tacos. Pretty good! and about 150 calories. We did KFC one night, and i pulled off the that is good right?

I also forgot to weigh in this morning...I  could barely wake up! Thank God I am off for the next 2 days! I need to rest. I will weigh in soon. I doubt I lost...may have gained. We shall see.

I just felt the need to be honest about my non perfect week. Another thing I need to do is GROCERIES! I have run low on my healthy choices in the house.

Super tired, and ready to sleep so I am keeping this short. I vow to do better!

PS we are all human :)

-with much hope and a lot of prayer

*Sexy or Bust*


  1. Well, we all screw up from time to time... You can do this!! Just try to get back on track during your time off. It's really hard to keep track of anything when you work, mommy and wifey. It just knocks ya out. Hang in there!! Love ya! :)

  2. we are all human, but just don't give in :) Keep it up sexy lady!
