
Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 70: Curves!

I went to Curves today! It felt great to get back into it. Tomorrow morning they have a Zumba class that I think I am going to do. I also got measured today. Ugh. It hated knowing my measurements but at the same time I wished I had done them when I started WW.  That way I could see my progress.

Either way, I am glad I got them done. The lady also asked me what size I was wanting to be in. I told her my 1st goal would be a 12. So she had a chart that gave measurements of someone who would be in a 12.  When she compared each measurement (bust, thighs, hips, etc) it didn't seem so bad. Then she totaled them up. And it came up to about 31 inches. 31 INCHES THAT I NEED TO LOSE from ALL over my BODY. to get into a 12. *Le Sigh*

I really think I can do it this time. My 1st Curves goal is 25lbs. Which would bring me down to what I was in the summer of 2009. Right after I lost about 39lbs with JC. (ya know, before I gained it all back). It will bring me to a weight I haven't been able to get below in a long time. I am pretty stoked.

Now I am heading to bed. Good night all!

-with much hope and a lot of prayer

*Sexy or Bust*


  1. Think of it in small parts, don't look at it as a whole 31 inches. You can do this!! You are doing so well and you're on a roll.
    I'm really proud that you started working out. It's hard to drag yourself there, but once you do it, ya feel great. Yay!!! :D

  2. I agree with them^^^ you CAN totally do it!! Don't think of it all at once.. if I thought daily that I had to loose 60 more pounds.. I would nevr get.there. I focus on ten pounds or whatever my next goal is at a time. Each week focus on your water intake, food diary, and workouts and if I do good with all of that then I know I lost weight!
